About the Club

On our layout we do not attempt to model any specific real-life scenes, but rather typical railroad trackage and places, adapting them to fit the space we have available. We also do not attempt to model any specific railroad exclusively. The locomotives and cars are lettered to represent real railroads (although many of these are 'fallen flags' and no longer exist) as well as fictitious railroads.

We call our miniature railroad the Rancocas Valley Lines, which is appropriate for the local area. The original idea for this layout was to represent portions of a railroad that goes from tidewater to mountains, running through the typical station and industrial area of a large city, then countryside, while serving those industries that would use rail shipments.

No specific time period is modeled. This allows us to run steam locomotives and the latest diesels. We do try to run cars and locomotives of an era together, avoiding for example, 1990’s era cars being pulled by a steam locomotive. Typically, we have at least four trains running at all times on the main line, and regularly send trains into sidings or yards and bring different ones out. This requires four operators and a dispatcher for the main line operation, plus one operator at the freight yard, and one at the coal dumper - so there is lots of activity going on all the time.

The locomotives and rail cars are owned by the individual members, and the layout—the bench work, track, and scenery—are owned by the club. Each member contributes his/her effort according to personal talents and what phase of the hobby most appeals to that member. For example, the rotary coal dumper was custom built by a member who has much mechanical abilities. The electrical wiring and control panels are done by members who understand such things and would rather, or are at least willing, do that kind of work. Generally, the buildings are constructed from kits and some have been modified to better fit their location on the layout.

We are proud to be a 100% NMRA club, meaning every club member is also a member of the National Model Railroad Association.

If you would like to be part of this exciting hobby, or are just interested in learning a bit more, please consider joining us. No matter what talents you may have, or level of interest you have in model railroading, there's a place for you. Stop by and visit us on Monday or Thursday evenings, chat with our members, look around at our existing layout and see the work that is in progress.

Please email us with any questions you may have.

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